Friday, November 29, 2019
To what Extent are New Technologies and Organized Crime Linked
Information technologies and organized crime The criminal justice system continues to be besieged as the society is questioning the ultimate solution to the increased crime rates in the world today. Despite the fact that, prisons have been overcrowded with criminal of all categories, the crime rates have seemed to be also on the increase (Navarro, 2007).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on To what Extent are New Technologies and Organized Crime Linked? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More For this reason, the widespread question is, can the current trends in technology bring necessary changes in fighting crime? The fact is that, emergence of information technology has contributed to increase in crime rates but however, it has also enabled the criminal justice to fight against crime in a big way. In this era of globalization, investigation of the criminal activities and elaborative discovery of the happenings to this topi c of crime is very hard without integration of the scientific and technological phenomenon and the general application of information technology. There are three major issues in the assessment of the crime and technology which will form the basis of our argument in this research paper; the level of information technology that is used by the law enforcement officers in reducing crime, the technology that is being used by the criminals gangs, and the level of control or monitoring administered to the use of technology such as computer by the criminals (Martin, 2005). It is no doubt that information technology is a influencing factor or tool leading to more rampant criminal activities although on the other hand it has also created a good avenue that is being used as a tool of fighting all criminal activities across the globe. For a broader understanding, we shall discuss how information technology has contributed to increase in crime while on the other hand, we shall also review how in formation technology has spear headed the fight against crime. Information technology as a tool that facilitates in the fight against crime Since the emergence of information technology, the advanced technology has served as a tool of enforcing the law by enhancing security measures through producing of electronic cards, developing of databases, generation of automated data cards used for banks transactions, an elaborative search engine for internal and external affairs and hence ensuring that criminals do not get an easy access to such system especially to institutions such as the bank which needs high level of security( Maguire, Morgan, and Reiner, 2007). Through the high level of technological and changes, there has been a lot of progress that enables flexible ways to trace or monitor different activities executed by different people across the globe. Such case can be explained by observing the well developed FBI system that enables investigative officers to monitor activities of different criminals communities by having a first hand experience of how information between various sources are being exchanged and hence giving the FBI department an opportunity to detect any suspicious activities.Advertising Looking for essay on criminology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Government security officers with advanced information technology usually use technology to track down criminal by use of special soft wares that can be able to interpret information acquired from the various sources of mass media such as the cable TV and radio; information acquired voice information is then translated into text message which enables detecting voice and speech sounds of the different people. Through such technology, the officers are able to detect notorious criminal gangs such as terrorist groups among others (Department of defense, 2010). Additionally, the federal officers are also able to use information technology to read codified information from different systems by using special software and hence they are in a position to be ahead of the criminals since through such ways, they are able to get informed of planned crimes. A good example of such softwareââ¬â¢s is the ââ¬Å"magic Lanternâ⬠(Department of defense, 2010) which sends viruses to the suspected criminals through emails and when the targeted user opens the particular email, the software becomes active and then it does create a communication network between the FBI server computer and the suspectââ¬â¢s computer (Department of defense, 2010). Although, this technology has been criticized as infringement of personal privacy, the officers argue that the constitution grants such federal officer the right to carry investigation in such ways. Another technological change that fights criminal activities is the use of cell phones gadgets as an alert system. Today, the are thousands cases of motor car theft, burglary cases among othe r mischiefââ¬â¢s in the society, but with the use of information technology a car owner or residence owner can be able to get live alerts from their cell phones about any suspicious activity. Such instance can be demonstrated by the use of phone to track a stolen car. Apart from the use of a phone as technology to curb car theft cases, many information technology companies have emerged resulting to a drastic reduction of the car theft cases. Mostly, the birth of tracker alarms has proved to be very efficient in fighting crime such as car vehicle theft.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on To what Extent are New Technologies and Organized Crime Linked? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Today, cars are installed with security alarms which become sensitive once the car has been ignited using another key apart from the original key. When this happens, the alarm will alert the owner company who are able to stop the carà ¢â¬â¢s engine by use of codes and once the car engine has been stopped, the company is also able to locate the position of the car by use of satellite using advanced technology (Department of defense, 2010). With the introduction of social network such as face book, my space, twitter among others, the war against crime has had a big boost. In the turn of 21st century, the information technology has greatly improved and revolutionized to an extent that it has become very basic in diverse ways, one such instance is the way people are using the information technology to communicate. Among the many social networks is the face-book community that has become very popular having millions of followers across the planet. When you accept a friend request in your face-book account, it is more likely you just accept an FBI officer as your new face-book friend. Today, the investigative officers are using the numerous social networks to carry out inquiries on criminal activities, track suspects around the globe. With the emergence of social network such as face-book, the fight against crime has become easier since it is easy to note suspects by checking status updates, comments and other relevant information on their walls (Nasaw, 2010). Apart from this, identification has also become easier especially that people usually upload their photos in their accounts and hence making such photos to be accessible by the public (Nasaw, 2010). In US the FBI agents have relied very much on the social networks in trucking criminal by accessing a newly edited section known as ââ¬Å"utility in criminal casesâ⬠(Nasaw, 2010). In this particular section, the officers can be to scan suspectââ¬â¢s profiles in a progress to ascertain ones intention, position the suspectââ¬â¢s location, or even indentify his partners (Nasaw, 2010). Although, the policy of face book account does not allow users to create fake accounts, the government investigative department has been given the excl usive right to develop such accounts which facilitates them to work as undercover agents. Unlike in the past when police used to patrol the streets, todayââ¬â¢s era of advanced information technology has enabled police patrolling to be easier and hence the fight against crime has moved to a whole new level. With the use of information technology, police officer do not have to patrol streets any more, instead the use of information technology such as use of video camera is the best alternative (Newburn, 2007).Advertising Looking for essay on criminology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Police department have utilized the information technology and they are using high quality video cameras which are usually planted at the high poles in those areas that are prone to high crime. With such cameras, the investigative officers can be able to have a first hand experience of what is happening on the ground since there is a communication network from the camera to a computer which has been installed in a surveillance vehicle or in the office. On the other hand, video camera installed at the high poles would at all times enable the correspondents to observe happenings at a particular area before sending the police and other officers for action. For instance, if an accident happens, the surveillance police are able to take a prior-action. Most importantly, the video camera can also be used as a source of evidence in the court in indentifying criminals. A good example where a surveillance camera can be used in court as an identification tool is when a video camera is installe d on the streets, offices and out side a bank where it is used to indentify bank robbers or snatchers and it is usually presented to the court as a source of evidence which has helped many times (Martin, 2005). According to police department, the use of surveillance camera as an investigative tool has helped in solving many issues and most importantly it has enhanced efficiency in the police department (Osborn, 2008).The officer do not really need to be at the place of crime , instead a single officer can be able to monitor more than two locations from an office where he is just next to a surveillance computer. Additionally, the video camera have also enabled the fight against crime to move to another level since the patrol officer can also be able to view criminal activities happening in real time such as car theft scenarios and bank robbery cases which are very common (Osborn, 2008). This technology of surveillance camera is very efficient and it helps in reducing cost, saving tim e, and very importantly, it acts as an instrument to fight crime. Information technology has also provided a big boost in fighting crime especially with the emergency of fingerprint technology. The new technology has been very effective in the fight against crime and a good example is the revolutionary technique of taking fingerprints which makes it practically not possible for any offender to lay the blame on others as the evidence is quite clear. The recent technology also known as ââ¬Å"wipe-proof fingerprinting systemâ⬠(Koenig, 2011) is more efficient because it gives a much vivid image of the curls on the finger and therefore becoming more reliable than ever before. The new technology is widely used by detectives and it is said to more steadfast than the presiding techniques; the new technology is based on special dust constituent parts known as nanoparticles (Koenig, 2011). Nanoparticle is sticky and this particular characteristic enables it to be used efficiently by de tectives who have also clarified that it has made their work much easier compared to the past because with the use of nanoparticles, it is easier to obtain result faster and hence saving time and cost as well (Koenig, 2011). Information technology as a tool of crime Hacking, cybercrime, theft, blackmailing, cyber bully, cyber stalking among others are among the most common types of crime that have been more pronounced with the emergence of the information technology especially at the dawn of the 21st century. Although the concept of globalization and technological changes has been attributed to positive development in many ways, it is also quite clear that, the same advancement information technology has also contributed to growth of criminal network and hence resulting to rise in the rate of crime. Modernization and use of the information technology has enabled development in communication system and therefore criminal allies are also able to have an established communication netwo rk that in deed allows coordination of criminal activities between criminals across the planet. For instance, in regard to the communication system, the masterminds criminal do not have to sit in a conference room with other criminals in order to execute a plan or plot for a crime, what happens today is that, the masterminds criminals can always make a perfect plan on how to carry out a certain criminal activity such as a robbery activity and then call, send short messages or even send emails contains instructions to all other partners on the ground who after receiving the information will execute the ââ¬Å"jobâ⬠as directed. One such case includes that of the modern banking system. The modern banking business uses diverse ways of computing methods and information technology, allows the breaching of various bank transactions and through this electronic technique, the criminals can be able to access other peopleââ¬â¢s account where they can also be able to embezzle large amo unts of money avoid taxations and even make legal transaction by using money acquired in the most illegal ways since most criminal posses the modern technology and they also have expert computer hackers (Lilley, 2006). The other problem which is also a major challenge to the current security system is the issue of ââ¬Å"computer criminalityâ⬠that is growing at a rapid rate facilitating growth of criminal communities (Koenig, 2011). According to various research carried across US, the newly released report clearly indicates that many firms in US are facing the crisis of being attacked with the growing number of computer hackers increasing every day. The report shows that in the 2002 there were more than eighty thousand cases of attackers hacking into companies system and stealing most vital information. In fact, after the release of this report, the FBI experts made a list of top hackers and gangsters which clearly proved beyond doubt that the hackers had increased across the world over time (Rist, 2002). Computer hackers have increased because the hackerââ¬â¢s main objective is to make profit which is why they target banks, firms and commercial companies. Besides, hackers are also part of the world-wide terrorist group who are believed to be using the information technology to hack their indentified targets such as department of military defense and so forth. Moreover, hackers have done more damage to the general public where people have been robbed money from their accounts especially those people who use the master and visa cards systems are among the most vulnerable groups. Apart from this, many other crimes are committed by use of information technology, for instance, certain level of technology allows production and easy distribution of pornography films. A good example in this case is that, the criminals will use some special kind of computer software that are able to alter images and then make such images to appear as if in a sexual context. O n the other hand, if the children are not actually there, the modern software are also able to convert adult images to appear like children images through a process known as ââ¬Å"de-agingâ⬠(Martin, 2005). In fact, with the emergence of the animations and carton technology, child pornography may be easy to distribute and criminals have been renowned to use steganography as a cover up in order to distribute child pornographic films in a less suspicious manner (Rist, 2002). The emergence of Information technology also facilitates effective and rapid distribution of communication by criminals. Through information technology, criminal are able to enjoy safe and anonymous speedy communication especially by use of modern customized software, wireless gadgets, mobile phones and anonymous email senders whose function is to distribute emails and short text messages without revealing the sender origin (Galeotti, 2005). Through such technology, the criminals are able to execute various criminal activities such as drug trafficking with minimal chances of detection which also ensures that there are slim chances of tracing the criminals. Information technology can also slow down the fight against crime where organized criminal groups may utilize the technology to instill fear or impose threats to community members and other opposing groups against reporting incidence of crime at any given level. For instance, such threats are usually passed to the target party through emails, cell phones, internet among other Medias of communication. In most cases, threats are passed through messages and chats that are directed to an individual or group indicating particular information. The organized crime instills fear in a very effective way because at most times the sender will use safe and anonymous message system that does not indicate origin of the message making it hard to trace the sender at all time (Jewkes and Yar, 2010). The modern information technologies can be the basi s of organized crime in our school today. With the increase of cyber bully, pupils are having situations to deal with stress every day which can be noticed every time a pupil uses his computer. Most times when they use their computers, they get irritating emails, bad images, vulgar short messages from their friends which might be a cause of stress and frustration leading to withdrawal behavior such as depression and loneliness (Martin, 2005). On the other hand, theft cases have also increased in our school because of stylish life style where some student comes to school with flashy gadgets such as iPods, cell phones and laptops. But since some student can not afford to buy such stylish gadgets, they only opt to still from their friends resulting to crime that has been reported to be on the increase at our schools today. Additionally, the emergence of information technology has also led to appearance of negative behavior resulting to increased crime rates such as cyber stalking (Mart in, 2005). Cyber stalking is the use of internet applications such as email to become a nuisance, to threaten individual or group of people which mainly includes harassing, sending irritating messages, monitoring other peoples activities, causing severe damage to information and so on (Roddel, 2010). Such behavior is illegal and is not accepted by the constitution. Conclusion In conclusion, it is reasonably clear that the emergence of information technology has had both negative and positive impact to issues of crime in the society today. Most importantly, we have seen that the information technology has been very effective in the fight against crime and there offering the humanity a hope for a better future (Reuter, 1983). The opinion is that, all involved stakeholders should work together in fighting this group of intellectual criminals to help build our society in a positive way. On the other hand, more research should be conducted in order to discover how such criminal are makin g the use of information technology to torment the society. Once more discover is made, then the security department could easily use such information against the criminals and therefore tighten the war against crime for social change. References Nasaw, D. (2010). FBI using Face book in fight against crime. Web. Roddel, V. (2010). Cyberstalking. Web. Navarro, R. (2007). How technology can reduce crime and impact the criminal justice system. Web. Galeotti, M. 2005. Global crime today: the changing face of organized crime. New York: Routledge. Jewkes, Y and Yar, M., 2010. Handbook of Internet Crime. Macedonia: Willan Publisher. Maguire, M., Morgan, R., and Reiner, R. 2007. The Oxford Handbook of Criminology. Oxford: Oxford university Press. Lilley, P. 2006. Dirty Dealing: The Untold Truth about Global Money Laundering, International Crime and Terrorism. 6th edn, Kogan Page Publishers. Newburn, T. 2007. Criminology. Amsterdam: Willan Press. Reuter, P. 1983. Disorganized Crime: The Econ omics of the Visible Hand. Massachusetts: MIT Press. Koenig, D. 2011. Investigation of Cybercrime and Technology-related Crime. Online. Web. Department of defense. 2011. Technology to Fight Crime. Web. Rist, O. 2002. Crime. Web. Osborn, A. 2008. CCTV surveillance system to fight crime. Web. Martin, P. 2005. Technology and Crime. Web. This essay on To what Extent are New Technologies and Organized Crime Linked? was written and submitted by user Daniela Lawson to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Reflection Paper On Hong Kong Tourism Tourism Essay Essay Example
Reflection Paper On Hong Kong Tourism Tourism Essay Essay Example Reflection Paper On Hong Kong Tourism Tourism Essay Essay Reflection Paper On Hong Kong Tourism Tourism Essay Essay Hong Kong touristry is one of the four pillars in its economic system. With its image as a widely distributed metropolis, Hong Kong has attracted 1000000s of tourers each twelvemonth. However there are touristry issues that should non be overlooked by the authorities and the Hong Kong Tourism Commission ( HKTC ) in order to develop schemes to keep the long term sustainability of Hong Kong touristry. In this paper, a state of affairs appraisal is presented and cardinal touristry issues are identified together with the jobs associated and relevant schemes to get the better of these jobs identified. After the handover of Hong Kong back to the custodies of China in 1997, Hong Kong developed its strong links with China. Tourism is with no exclusion. In 2010, Hong Kong recorded 36 million visitants with more than 60 % of visitants coming from Mainland China ( HKTB, 2011 ) . This was the consequence of the extension of Individual Visit Scheme ( IVS ) and the relaxation of visa agreement that stimulate the demand. In the approaching hereafter, demand from Chinese tourers is still in a grow. Despite the stable demand from Chinese tourers, Hong Kong faces immense challenges from nearby finishs. Hong Kong is used to hold being a shopping Eden and being a MICE finish as its competitory borders, nevertheless these borders seem to be contracting down. Hainan state in China has launched a shopping revenue enhancement refund plan to pull non-residents to pass in shopping ( People s Daily, 2011 ) . Singapore and Macau have developed casino resorts together with MICE installations to pull concern touristry. Despite all these, Hong Kong still has its advantage on its geographic location to be a gateway to China which attracts 1000000s of people in and out of Hong Kong as a hub. Besides, Hong Kong is a widely distributed metropolis and an Asia s universe metropolis which contains features of the West and the East, tradition and modern-day which is appealing to abroad tourers. Its fiscal place in Hong Kong has attracted many concern travellers to come to Hong Kong for concern intent and its image of being a Shopping and Food Paradise has besides attracted many leisure tourers. Though Hong Kong still has these advantages, these competitions should non be overlooked in order to strategically keep its long term sustainability. Tourism Issue 1 Reliance on Chinese tourers In the visible radiation of the immense portion of Chinese tourers in the mix of Hong Kong tourer reachings, it is an issue of whether Hong Kong touristry should trust that much on the Chinese market. Some protagonists would state the immense supply and disbursement of Chinese tourers has stabilized Hong Kong touristry demand. From the statistics obtained by HKTB ( 2011 ) , while the Numberss of short draw tourers from Taiwan and Japan and that of long haul tourers from Europe and USA declined in the past 10 old ages, the visitant figure from Mainland China grew quickly. It can be said that Chinese tourers have sustained Hong Kong touristry. Furthermore, harmonizing to another statistics from HKTB ( 2011 ) , Chinese tourers were large Spenders that have accounted for 69 % of the entire visitants disbursement in 2010. All these grounds have led Hong Kong to develop touristry policy particularly for this group of tourers. However, over trust on the Chinese market would make jobs every bit good. In instance of external forces or merely the alteration of gustatory sensation of Chinese tourer would present troubles for Hong Kong to keep its visitants figure. The 12th National 5-Year Plan released by the Chinese authorities is one of the external forces mentioned. It was the first clip that Hong Kong touristry was non highlighted in the program, alternatively the Chinese authorities intended to develop Macau as a first touristry and leisure centre ( Hong Kong s Information Services Department, 2011 ) . With this purpose, the Chinese authorities might be policies that favor that development of Macau touristry. In that instance, more Chinese tourers would be encouraged to travel to Macau alternatively of Hong Kong. Back to Hong Kong, instances like Ah Zhen incident that happened late would deter Chinese tourers to go to Hong Kong. Ah Zhen has been accused to hold damaged Hong Kong s repute as Shopping Paradise by faulting Chinese tourers for non buying keepsakes from designated stores. Similar incidents have besides happened after this ( Wall Street Journal, 2010 ) . These incidents would impede more Chinese tourers to go to Hong Kong for shopping. In the long tally, this would present challenges to Hong Kong touristry. China is a immense market that would provide sufficient demand for Hong Kong touristry, Hong Kong authorities should go on retaining this group of invitees to come to Hong Kong. In order to accomplish this, there are several recommendations to protect the involvements of these invitees. First, the authorities could spread out its Quality and Honest Hong Kong Tours Programme to go on beef uping Hong Kong s image as a quality and value for money finish. At the minute, the programme has been carried out in 27 Mainland metropoliss and besides in the practical universe on the Internet. Participating travel agents in the strategy have to perpetrate that their paths should non incorporate designated shopping Michigans and forced shopping and forced self-paid activities. In the new enlargement of the programme, the authorities can advance these Tourss together with its benefits in more metropoliss in China. Besides, the authorities can besides advance them more extensively via different communicating channels, e.g. Television advertizement, societal media, etc. Furthermore, secret shopper run should be continued and done more extensively to descry out illegal or unethical behaviours of travel ushers to keep a satisfactory degree of services. This run can be used to ease the execution of the Quality and Honest Hong Kong Tours Programme every bit good to do certain the travel bureaus in China and in Hong Kong if they are following the guidelines offered by Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong ( TIC ) and the Hong Kong Tourism Commission ( HKTC ) . It is hoped that by this run, travel bureaus would self modulate themselves in service bringing and proviso. Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong ( TIC ) should develop a more regulative system to warn and penalize travel bureaus or tourer ushers one time illegal or unethical behaviours have been spotted out. In the instance of Ah Zhen, originally she was suspended from being a circuit usher after the instance discovered, nevertheless, after her entreaty to TIC, she is now suspended for merely half twelvemonth. This indicates the ineffectualness of the bing system which could let similar incidents to go on in the hereafter. TIC should be more careful in planing its regulative system in order to exert more regulative power and penalty on Hong Kong circuit operators and tour ushers who have offended the regulations and gives more assurance to Chinese tourers, therefore remedy the bad repute built. However, for the long term benefit of Hong Kong touristry, over concentrating on one market section could be unsafe, Hong Kong authorities should besides happen ways to pull other markets. Issue 2 Sustainability of cultural and heritage attractive forces In position of this and the acute competition from neighbouring finishs, Hong Kong has tried its best to develop new touristry merchandises to get the better of these challenges. Cultural attractive forces are popular among these new attractive forces in recent old ages to better Hong Kong s cultural image. Tsim Sha Tsui plaza and the West Kowloon Cultural District are two of the large undertakings that the authorities has under taken as new touristry attractive forces. Besides, the authorities has besides emphasized in developing heritages to showcase Hong Kong s assorted civilization. Examples are the former Marine Police Headquarter in Tsim Sha Tsui which has renovated to go a square 1881 Heritage and a boutique hotel named Hullett House . Another illustration would be the Central market which will be developed into Cardinal Oasis and the undertaking of regenerating the Former Police Station is Central. One cardinal issue that can be identified among all these undertakings is whether they could heighten sustainability. Harmonizing to the Chief Executive in 1999 ( Hong Kong Sustainable Department, 2008 ) , the Hong Kong authorities would guarantee a sustainable development to convey about full integrating of economic and societal development with preservation of environment. In order to accomplish this, local engagement is really of import in taking to sustainable development which gives win-win state of affairs to all parties of the society. However, one common key critics faced by the authorities in these large undertakings is deficiency of transparence. For illustration, in the instance of Tsim Sha Tsui Piazza, a workshop that aims to garner sentiments from different parties was subjected to inquiry as these parties were largely come from the authorities or government-related organisations ( Tourism Commission, 2007 ) . Another illustration is from another large undertaking, the West Kowloon Cultural District. The direction authorization of the undertaking is questioned as all of the 15 members from the authorization were appointed by the authorities. Therefore, it is normally believed that due to miss of transparence, the involvement of the authorities might hold affected the direction. For heritage sites development, given that the Heritage Tourism Task Force was set up in 1998, it was blamed to be deficiency of leading and deficiency of influence in the authorities bureaucratism ( Chu and Uebegang, 2002 ) . The kernel of sustainable touristry development is how to equilibrate different positions from different parties which is really a immense challenge that the authorities has to confront in planning and developing tourist attractive forces. In order to to the full implement sustainable touristry development, a bottom-up attack has to be adopted to roll up more nonsubjective positions from all sectors in Hong Kong so that specific demands could be satisfied and win-win state of affairs for tourers and locals could be achieved. Cooperation with and engagement of locals or important cultural group should be guaranteed and local community should be involved at the get downing phase of planning and operation to avoid these heritages to lose its original value, particularly to the locals who have grown up with these heritage sites. It is hoped that by this attack, the unity and genuineness of the heritage could be maintained while new elements like environmental friendly designs could be be sides involved in the new design. Another job raised from sustainability is whether these new attractive forces could showcase the local elements. Possibly due to the image of Hong Kong as being an international metropolis, projecting an image of East-meet-West, attractive forces are frequently blamed to be deficiency of local features. For illustration, in the instance of West Kowloon Cultural District, even one of the consultative commissions of the undertaking criticized that the design is deficiency of local elements ( HKheadline, 2011 ) . This job has to be dealt decently, or else every new attractive force in Hong Kong would present similar image to tourers, particularly for revitalized heritage attractive forces which are supposed to present a alone image and background cognition of Hong Kong so that visitants could appreciate and understand more about Hong Kong. One of the solutions is to maintain up with public audiences and gather sentiments of the populace about the sort of local civilization to be include d in the design of new attractive forces. By that, local civilization could be incorporated into the design and would non be missed out. Decision With its strong nexus to China, Hong Kong relies on the supply of Chinese tourers to prolong touristry. Though the immense figure of Chinese tourers remains a consistent supply, there are hazards associated with it and as a authorities organic structure, HKTC should develop steps to besides pull other markets and diversify the profile of Hong Kong visitants. On the other manus, sustainable touristry development is frequently questioned due to miss of transparence and overlook of Hong Kong local elements in development new attractive forces. HKTC and the authorities should affect a more crystalline public audience and public battle so as to vouch a more sustainable touristry planning and development.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Media Audiences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Media Audiences - Essay Example Stuart Hall defines culture as, "actual grounded terrain of practices, representations, languages and customs of any specified society (Hall, 1996)." By this definition, western culture is its own society, but when referred to, the regions most commonly thought of as embodying western culture are Europe and the United States. The most significant aspect of western culture has to do with the ideology of the hegemony in charge. In western culture this would be the business moguls especially those that own media companies, majority members of government Hall defines representation as "How the world is socially constructed and represented to and by us (Hall, 1996)." The representation is key because it dictates how a group of people will interact with their culture and also how other cultures will preconceive and then receive members of a certain society. Highly acclaimed French Sociologist Pierre Bourdieu has done much work on culture and its influence on decision making. He finds that the public has no genuine representation in democratic societies. When people tend to watch media coverage of certain events and they see the results of polls and statistics, they perceive the information from the perspective of a rational choice theorist. Most people based their decisions on the grounds of believing this theory, but Bourdieu is in opposition to it. Rational Choice theory is the belief that human beings naturally choose a given path dependant on whether it is the best means to achieve their goals. It is a belief in methodological individualism; this meaning it adopts the belief that social situations, and group behavior is solely the result of individual action. Within this theory, corporations and national governments are viewed as individual operators as well. The problem that arises with this theory are the certain assumptions. Thi s theory assumes human beings are aware of certain information, of which they aren't always aware, and it assumes that individuals consistently make mental calculations to determine their next decision. He points out how this belief contributes to the human tendency to conform when he argues that, Doing one's duty as a man means conforming to the social order, and this is a fundamentally a question of respecting rhythms, keeping pace, not falling out of line. 'Don't we all eat the same wheat cake Don't we all get up at the same time These various ways of reasserting solidarity contain an implicit definition of the fundamental virtue of conformity. (Bourdieu, 1977) He later goes on to show that conformities only other opposition is eccentricity, which becomes natural for those intrigued by it irregularity. the opposite of which is the desire to stand apart from others. Working while the others are resting, staying in the house while the others are working in the fields, traveling on deserted roads, wandering round the streets of the village while the others are asleep or at the market - these are all suspicious forms of behavior. The eccentric who does everything differently... (Bourdieu, 1977) Bourdieu believes that society cannot just be analyzed in terms of economic classes and ideologies, but that individual education and culture must be applied as well. Bourdieu does not separate people based on class and then analyze them, but groups everyone into what he calls a field/ social arena. This contradicts classic Marxism, as well
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Analyzing Psychological Disorders Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Analyzing Psychological Disorders - Term Paper Example A second part of the paper shall discuss two cases from a biopsychologistââ¬â¢s viewpoint including a discussion of the problem in relation to the nature-nurture issue. This case study shall consider any helpful drug interventions or solutions to the cases, as well as any positive or negative aspects of the drug interventions of solutions. This paper is being conducted in order to ensure a thorough and comprehensive understanding of psychological disorders and the role of health professionals in modifying its impact on patients. Schizophrenia is a chronic and debilitating disease which affects both men and women equally. The term is of Greek origin which basically translates to ââ¬Å"split mindâ⬠(Coconcea, 2005). Based on that translation, schizophrenia does not also refer to ââ¬Å"split personalityâ⬠or multiple personality disorder, but refers to another disease exhibiting other symptoms in the patient. From a physiological standpoint, the areas of the brain affected by schizophrenia are theorized by different clinicians and experts on the subject matter. Basically, however, according to the dopamine hypothesis, the neurotransmitter dopamine appears as an overactive neurotransmitter for those with schizophrenia (Campbell, 2010). This over-activity seems to produce motor and cognitive problems in the patient which often manifests as audio and visual hallucinations. In terms of structure as seen in MRI images, the brains of schizophrenics (particularly, the frontal lobe) show reduced gray matte r and decreased brain volume (Campbell, 2010). The ventricles and the basal nuclei are also affected since these appear larger for schizophrenics; the hippocampus and amygdala are also different as they appear smaller for these patients (Campbell, 2010). In a theory set forth by Pierce Howard, he explains that the brain normally goes through the process of ââ¬Å"synaptic pruningâ⬠from
Monday, November 18, 2019
Management data analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Management data analysis - Assignment Example Question 6: How many times per week do you deposit waste? The following table shows the results of the survey: Employees Gender Q 1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 1 Male yes 1 1 1 23 3 2 Male yes 2 3 1 45 12 3 Male No 2 3 3 38 6 4 Female Yes 1 2 3 52 4 5 Female No 3 2 3 28 5 6 Male yes 3 2 1 18 7 7 Female yes 3 3 3 27 8 8 Female 3 3 2 33 6 9 Male No 2 3 3 56 17 10 Male Yes 2 3 3 63 21 11 Female Yes 1 1 3 39 2 12 Female Yes 1 1 1 40 7 13 Female Yes 1 1 1 33 5 14 Male no 1 3 3 22 5 15 Male yes 1 1 3 20 18 16 Female Yes 2 3 1 18 4 17 Male No 3 3 3 34 9 18 Male No 3 2 1 50 12 19 Female no 3 2 3 52 19 20 Female Yes 2 2 1 61 13 21 Male Yes 2 2 1 56 4 22 Male no 1 2 3 44 15 23 Female Yes 1 3 3 42 17 24 Female Yes 1 3 1 19 17 25 Male No 1 2 3 26 10 26 Male No 1 1 1 23 3 27 Male Yes 2 3 1 45 12 28 Male no 2 3 3 38 6 29 Female No 1 2 3 52 4 30 Female No 3 2 3 28 5 31 Male no 3 2 1 18 10 32 Female No 3 3 3 27 8 33 Female no 3 2 3 33 6 34 Male Yes 2 3 3 20 10 35 Male yes 2 3 3 63 23 Table1: survey results Null hypothesis: There is enough evidence to show that support for the new waste policy was related to the volume of waste produced prior to the policyââ¬â¢s introduction. Table 2: Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .025a .001 -.030 5.81551 a. Predictors: (Constant), How much waste did you generate on a typical day Table 3: ANOVAa Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression .679 1 .679 .020 .888b Residual 1116.063 33 33.820 Total 1116.743 34 a. Dependent Variable: How many times per week do you visit the central re-cycling bins? b. Predictors: (Const
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Finance Now, New Zealand Analysis
Finance Now, New Zealand Analysis Company Name: Finance Now, New Zealand Companies find it hard to survive in todays world of cut throat competition. All functions, including but not limited to, IT, Marketing, Service, Operations, Human Resource Management etc. are vital in making an organization a commercial success (Scott, 2015). Marketing, being one of the most significant domains, has a crucial role to play. Right from zeroing on a target market to communicating the end product to users, marketing has it all covered under its wing (Slater, 2015). This report highlights the facets of marketing, such as market segmentation, impact the overall performance of a firm named Finance Now. It also gives an overview of the impact of external as well as internal business environment on the functioning of the firm. A detailed analysis highlighting the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of organization has also been done. Finance Now Ltd, established in 2000, is a company that is 100% owned and managed by a loan-lending, local company of New Zealand. SBS (Southland Banking Society) is the parent company of Finance Now and was established in 1869. The company is known to grant loans to only kiwis and work visa holders. A wide array of loans comprising of retail loans, business loans, personal loans etc. are offered to kiwis by the largest building society of New Zealand, SBS. Finance Now has a diverse range of products to offer to its customers. Its association with over 1500 retail locations helps boost its credit sales for motor vehicle dealers as well as good finance/consumer loans all through New Zealand. Interest rates charged by the organization vary from person to person depending on the type of application (Now,, 2017). The business world, today, is facing with numerous challenges when it comes to running a commercially successful organization,courtesy the ever-changing external and internal environment. The growth and profitability of a firm are largely dependent on factors within and beyond the scope of the organization (Dibrell, 2015). Thus, it is in the best interest of a firm to adopt strategies that promote sustainable development taking into consideration the impact of external as well as internal factors affecting growth (Boons, 2013). External Environment: Some of the factors, beyond the control of the organization, that may have an impact on its growth are: 1. Social Factors: The lifestyle of the local population of the country in which the firm is operational is a major determinant of the success of firm. This is because a grand lifestyle with little disposable income would result in an enhanced customer base taking loans (Medina Munro, 2017). Growth in population is another factor that could enhance the penetration of Finance Now as more people would mean more requirements of houses and other facilities (Rothaermel, 2015). Also, the rapidly increasing working population of New Zealand has the potential to impact the growth of Finance Now. 2. Legal/Regulatory Factors: Affirming to the rules and regulations set by the government of New Zealand is a prerequisite to establishing and running any business in the nation. Fluctuating interest rates have a direct impact on the growth of financial firms with more customers taking loans when the interest rates are low (Chang, 2013). The documentation process is often standard and a simpler process helps getting more customers on board. 3. Economic Factors: The economic situation of New Zealand is expected to impact the growth of Finance Now the most. This is because, a fluctuating economy would directly contribute to a fluctuating customer base with more people opting for personal and business loans when the economy is low. An evidence is that SBS recorded an annual growth of 24% in Financial Year 2014-15 even though the GDP staggered at 3.5% (McBeth, 2015). A rise in inflation rates leads to a rise in interest rates. On the other hand, a drop in inflation may lead to more locals taking to financial help due to lesser rate of interests. This helps in increasing profitability of financial firm. For example the profit made by SBS rose to $14.7 mn in the first two quarters of Financial Year 2016 despite the drop of interest rates as more people opted for loans (Morgan, 2016). 4. Technological Factors: Technology helps make the otherwise complex procedures of documentation easy, hence contributing to the growth of an organization (Rouse, 2016). E-Money feature E Finance cash card for consumer loans Online Portal Mobile Apps-AMP Digital Marketing PPC Digital Advertising, Remarketing or Retargeting Internal Environment The internal environment of an organization comprises to elements that can be controlled by the organization to an extent (Kuratko, 2014). For example infrastructure, employees, values, vision and mission and products and services offered (Hair, 2015). Finance Now competes against others of its kind in the market, including Kiwi Bank, ASB Bank, Moneyshop, Loansmart, Harmoney, Ferratum, Moola, Rapid Loans etc. The more the presence of competitors, the more beneficial a companys products and offerings must be in order to sustain competition. A competitive advantage can be gained by organizing marketing campaigns to increase awareness about products, offering products with enhanced customer value and also guaranteeing superior service (Wagner III, 2014). For example, SBS banks on competitive pricing for gaining an edge over other players in the market. It launched a 3.99% fixed mortgage rate in 2016, which was the lowest observed interest rate in decades. SBS also offered a 0.20% bonus on Term Investments which provided an added benefit to existing investors, thus contributing to customer retention (Bank, 2016). The diverse range of products offered by Finance Now, ranging from personal and home loans to retail loans, helps attract cu stomers from all walks of life. The coming together of Finance Now and dentists of New Zealand to offer an interest free credit deal for 12 months is a great example of how the company intends to diversify its offerings (Times, 2014). A SWOT analysis helps us determine the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of a firm. Strengths 1. Advertisements: The light hearted advertisements of SBS bank help in attracting new customers and also retaining those existing For example the warm advertisement depicting a couples excitement to embark on a journey of owning their own home (Commercial, 2016). Finance Now also organizes competitions to help keep its customers engaged (Now, Finance Now) 2. Team, members and partners: The team of Finance Now is its biggest strength. The customers are referred to as members. The company also has over 1500 retail partners to help boost its business (Now, 3. Innovation: Finance Now follows innovative techniques to cope with the ever advancing technology. For example the e-money card and mobile app launched by the company have been immensely popular among masses (Fung, 2014). 4. Customer Service The finance companies or banks are always known to be in the good books of its existing customer base by virtue of its superior customer service. The testimonials put up on the website are evidence of the same (Now,, 2016). Weaknesses 1. High interest rates Finance Now offers Business loan interests ranging from 0% to 22.5% (Now, Other competitors offer loans at a borrowing rate of 14-18% on an average (Tarrant, 2017) 2. Nomenclature Since Finance Now is an extremely common name, particularly in the world of finance, its becomes difficult for the company to mark its online presence Opportunities With more and more people taking to loans as an easy way of starting a business or buying a house, the loan market is on a rapid growth (Riasi, 2015). The ease of applying for loans makes it an even better deal. With Finance Now positioned as a Kiwi Bank, it has an edge among the locals of New Zealand. Threats Presence of several competitors with substitute products at cheaper interest rates poses the biggest threat to Finance Now. Government policies may also not always turn out to be in favor of the financial institution. Advertising Policies- Google facebook- Ban on Payday personal Loans with high interest rates. Govt Financial Organization Polices Example of Competitor- recent New Rapid Loans The theory of stakeholder identification is majorly concerned with the principle that who all and what really counts in an organization. The normative theory of stakeholder identification helps us understand why employees and managers are important stakeholders in an organization (Agnà ©, 2015). Some of the other important stakeholders of Finance Now are: 1. Parent Company SBS The board of members of the parent company of SBS comprises of the most prominent stakeholders of Finance Now. The ultimate decision pertaining to any activity carried out by Finance Now is monitored by the parent company. 2. Associated Company -Marble Finance 3. Team Finance Now has its own employees working to attain the vision and mission of the company. The employees belonging to different levels of management and varied domains are significant stakeholders as they impact the profitability of the organization and vice versa. 4. Members The company treats its customers as its members, offering privileges from time to time. The members of Finance Now invest money and show faith in the organization which makes them important stakeholders in the firm. 5. Retailers Finance Now has a tie up with over 1500 retailers(list enclosed appendix no ) in order to boost sales across the country. 6. Associates In addition to having an association with retailers, Finance Now also makes associations with third party Sales and Marketing Teams in order to ensure deeper penetration of its products into the market. 7. Customers/Loan Applicants The loan applicants are also put their faith on company before applying for a loan. 8. Other Investors Target market identification is essential for an organization. This is because it becomes difficult, almost impossible, to cater to the needs of the masses without having a target population in mind. The same product may not suit everyone. Hence, market segmentation is done in order to ensure greater profitability. The products are designed to fit the needs of the target market, thus ensuring a deeper penetration and bigger market share. Market segmentation at Finance Now was done based on the industry it was to operate in. Money lending financial institutions often target a market that they can rely on to repay the loan within a stipulated time. The needs of the target market were then reviewed to create a portfolio of product that could fit the needs of the target population. The process of target market identification proved to be robust with the company making profits soon after its inception. Finance Now aims at catering to the needs of the working population (Li, 2016). This is because the working population has the ability to repay the loans along with the interests associated with it in the future (Bilton, 2016). Finance Now offers a wide range of products ranging from car loans to vacation loans, thus ensuring that all sub groups of the target market are catered to. Secured loans with lesser interest rates are available for those who wish to provide a backup or security, such as a car or property, against the loan that they take. Unsecured loans at the other hand, have the benefit of not having to keep anything as security. The interest rates, however, in case of unsecured loans are higher than those for secured loans. The market segmentation strategy has been working in favor of Finance now with the firm expanding its customer base and making enha nced profits. Finance Now has been a profitable financial institution because of effective market segmentation and positioning. The firm has also efficiently used marketing campaigns to its favor. The wide array of product portfolio offered by the company is instrumental in helping it cater to its target market. The use of technology further enhances its growth prospects. The organization aims at outweighing the presence of competitors in the financial arena by virtue of providing a superior experience to its customers. Appendices Types of loans and products List of Retailers and partners List of competitors Organic Rank Report Glimpse of Google Adwords TV and Radio Advertisements links
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
S.W.O.T. Analysis of Boeing Corp. Essay -- SWOT Analysis
The objective of this paper is to analyze and discuss some of the Boeing Company's business decisions using their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, also known as an S.W.O.T. analysis which is defined as, "a planning tool used to analyze an organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. (Nickels, McHugh, McHugh, page 216)". This is a very powerful tool usable by any business that is just starting out, going through a change in direction, or in the process of a major merger. The SWOT analysis consists of a few simple steps which can provide valuable insight for direction and decision making. This paper will use The Boeing Company as an example of SWOT analysis application. The Boeing Company originally started out as the Pacific Aero Products Co., which was founded on July 15, 1916. The name was changed about a year later to The Boeing Airplane Company. The Boeing Company stayed relatively small until World War I when they were selected by Navy officials to produce an order for 50 model C's planes for the war efforts. The company continued to prosper and by the late 1950s, Boeing President William Allen knew that the company had the scientists, the experience and the facilities to lead the company into uncharted territories. He was right, Boeing has emerged as the leading aerospace company in the world today. The SWOT process will start by examining the internal strengths of the Boeing Company of today. One of the most dominant strengths possessed by Boeing is its ability to follow the changes in a market that is continually changing. The type of products produced by The Boeing Company demands the use of state of the art technology while maintaining all the proper safe guards for sa... ...It is important to continually perform SWOT analysis and to stay nimble. Overall the Boeing Company has stayed strong in the aircraft field and with record profits for the past two years it looks like they are achieving their goals. Boeing has had to change their business direction over the past 100 years in order to stay a top of the aircraft industry. To maintain a good successful business they must have used a system similar to this SWOT analysis to see where Boeing needed to be to capitalize the market. Before Boeing decided that outsourcing was the way to go, a group of Boeing peers got around a table and weighed out the pros and cons. In their business analysis they saw a way to change one of their weaknesses, in-house work overload, into a potential strength. Major business decisions like this are much easier to commit too, with the use of a SWOT analysis.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Bullying & Aggression Essay
Harmful effects of bullying (suicide, depression, decreased academic achievement, etc.) How to prevent bullying from happeningà 160,000 kids and teens stay home from school because of bullying. Bully victims are between 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non-victims, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year according to the CDC. Bullying is an issue that that is not taken seriously today. Even though statistics state that thirty percent of the students in the United States are involved in bullying on a regular basis either as a victim , bully, or both. The effects bullying can have on a person can last throughout their lives, or may even end it. What Is Bullying? Bullying, is unwanted aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, overtime, according to There are different types of bullying, Verbal bullying Saying or writing mean things ââ¬â teasing, name-calling, inappropriate sexual comments, taunting, threatening to cause harm Social Bullying Involves hurting someoneââ¬â¢s reputation or relationships. Often referred to as relational bullying -Telling other children not to be friends with someone -Spreading rumors about someone -Embarrassing someone in public ( Social bullying is mainly seen in girls) Physical bullying involves hurting a personââ¬â¢s body or possessions ââ¬â Hitting, kicking, taking or breaking someoneââ¬â¢s things, making mean or rude hand gestures There is a variety of reasons of why bullying or being bullied is caused. Some of the reasons are: Cultural Causes We are part of a culture where we are influenced by power, violence, and winning. Experts suggest that not being influenced by these factors seems unrealistic. People will seek to gain power through violence, or verbal abuse. Being from a different religion, or a different race can be some of the reasons for being bullied. Having Power Being a bully gives you some sort of power over other students . Research indicates that the fact of having power make people wish to wield it in a noticeable way. Social Issues The fact that someone gets more social recognition for having negative behaviors than for positive ones can contribute to the reasons why bullying exists. Jealousy or envy and lack of social skills to deal with theseà emotions can also lead to bullying. Experiencing social rejection can also produce a bully. The bully ââ¬Å"passes it onâ⬠making his peers feel the same rejection he felt. Being different according to society, can be one of the reasons for being, bullied. Not fitting in, or not having the same social status as the rest of your classmates can lead to being bullied. Family Issues A home where there is no love or support towards the children is more likely to produce bullies. In a family where there is no discipline and monitoring, there is a greater chance of a child becoming a bully. A family issue, like both parents working full-time, or a divorce, can be a cause of being bullied. The child doesnââ¬â¢t feel like he has family support, nor someone to talk to at home, causing him to be insecure and in need of attention. Making him an ââ¬Å"easy targetâ⬠for a bully. Effects of Bullying
Friday, November 8, 2019
Journal Essays
Journal Essays Journal Essay Journal Essay As far as disciplines are concerned in such a vast scientific world that people circulate in, when psychology was conceived and eventually became a separate field of concentration, it has become perhaps one of the most popular courses and career any individual would want to venture in. The main concerns however are left for aficionados to speculate that the study of human behavior, its scientific explorations on the human mind and its mental processes is also a very complex and quite difficult arena (Papalia et al, 2002). There are theories and theorists that abound to posit on the description, explanation or understanding and prediction (and if possible, modification or control) of behavior among human organisms. Despite the modern breakthroughs, there lies a tension between what has been known and what are still unknown on the creature called man (Bernstein, 1991).This paper is anchored on the understanding that psychology actually pertains to the human psyche which is the equivalent of the soul and/or spirit where insights, knowledge and understanding reside. Where this is the central issue, spirituality similarly is attracted to the human mind where the attention that much of the Christian doctrine is also supposed to attend to or has been prepared to change. The observations made by Jean Piaget are translated to their applicability to counseling, to culture and to the biblical worldview. The author therefore attempts to present a prà ©cis on the premise and/or presupposition of Piaget and what this theorist wanted to convey towards the development of personhood specifically in the cognitive domains or aspects of the human individualPiagetââ¬â¢s Cognitive Stages of DevelopmentIntroductionMany of the theories today get their ideas from theorists of the earlier years and mushroom them to the world of science attracting their own followers. Piaget is considered a pioneer however in his field. His presuppositions mainly point to the personââ¬â¢s acting or operating on his/her environment which enables the development to put into motion or enable the person to develop in his cognition.To put into more detail, Piagetââ¬â¢s theory of cognitive development refers to how a person perceives, thinks, and gains an understanding of his or her world through the interaction and influence of genetic and learning factors. Jean Piaget, who was both a biologist and psychologist, developed one of the most influential theories of cognitive development. Piagetââ¬â¢s work led to the current view that children are actively involved in their own cognitive development. By active involvement, Piaget meant that children are constantly striving to understand what they encounter, and in such encounters they form their own guesses or hypotheses about how the world works (Atkinson 1993).Piagetââ¬â¢s cognitive stages refer to four different stages ââ¬â sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational stages ââ¬â each of which is more advanced than the preceding stage because it involves new reasoning and thinking abilities (Papalia et al, 2002). Although Piaget believed that all people go through the same four cognitive stages, he acknowledged that they may go through the stages at different rates. Piagetââ¬â¢s hypothesis that cognitive development occurs in stages was one of his unique contributions to developmental psychology (Atkinson 1993).The cognitive changes that occur in various stages of development are influenced by the individualââ¬â¢s adaptation which can come in the form of either or both assimilation or accommodation. Assimilation is the easier process of the two where the brain or the mind is concerned, according to Piaget. Assimilation is fitting in the new material coming from the environment by transforming the data in the individualââ¬â¢s internal senses. As this happens, the individual hardly feels any difficulty concerning the change that is occurring. Contrariwise, though both occur in a child or individual together, accommodation usually happens when the person or childââ¬â¢s present explanation of the way things work is inadequate or insufficient and the child or individual must change his/her way of explaining these things hence, must accomm odate that which is the newer theory (Atherton 2005).Implications to CounselingOperating on assumptions held by Piaget, there are many considerations that may come up when Piaget and his theory is to be applied to a counseling setting. His proposition of the nature of assimilation and accommodation helps the counselor see the basic issues that surround a person in specific stages as Piaget had described in the four cognitive developmental stages (Piaget, 1936; Bernstein et al, 1991). Supposing the concerned individual happens to be a child who might be approximately three years of age and hence as hypothesized would be within the preoperational stage, the counselor would find it hard to convince the child of cause and effect with particular temper problems if the counselor lacks full understanding of the stage as presupposed by Piaget considering that the child tends to stay egocentric and incapable of seeing other personsââ¬â¢ viewpoint (Piaget, 2000).Implications to CulturePeop le who adopt the Piagetian approach would tend to think that their world would be based on what they contributed to it rather than a set of made-up guidelines or rules. Since Piaget theorized that people or children act on their environment (Piaget and Inhelder, 1948) and not mere absorbers of it (Morgan, 1977), then, it would follow that people should not just expect that an absolute set of truth or values applied to various parts of living is expected (Piaget, 1936). It means that people tend to be reflective on a relative truth or rules, ones that they themselves constructed rather than what are already made for them to follow.Culture in a sense becomes evolving, because it depends on how people construct their world and as people become active participants of what happens to this world, it is understood then that the culture that follows will be constantly changing.Implications to a Biblical WorldviewThe Bible holds that there is such a thing as absolute truth applied to rules t hat govern peopleââ¬â¢s thinking, behavior and consequent kind of culture. The world becomes a better place when people who live in it are governed by Godââ¬â¢s rules; whose minds are renewed by God through His word. This expressed best in the letter of Paul to the Romans: And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God (12: 2, NKJV).In addition the best reference for the reality and need of absolute truth is found in another passage of the Bible where Paul addressing his letter to Timothy clearly reiterated this idea. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16, NKJV). This means that man cannot contribute to what God has made already and only needs to submit or actively obey with what Godââ¬â¢s word has definitely spoken because His Word is perfect and complete and enough for man and his existence.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
countercultures of the 60s essays
countercultures of the 60s essays In the turmoil of the 60s, America was at war with Vietnam. But more evident was the movement among the young people taking part in the protests and displays. Many people were against this was, especially the youth, an unfair was the was seeing many of our youth being killed and drafted in America. The mass exhibitions world wide against the Vietnam war saw millions of young people become united. Counterculture: Groups or movements existing within an modern society and in any country which find themselves in opposition to governing and accepted mainstream ideas, values and the approved and sanctioned forms of self expression. They were against mainstream political thinking, emotions, and styles. In the 60s, the first of the baby boomers became teenagers. Since they grew up during the cold war, many of these young people felt as if they were living on the edge of destruction. With the threat of nuclear war , everything was blamed on the elders of this generation for creating the world which they must live in. This was called the generation gap. The difference in attitudes between people of The hippies, a name given to them by Micheal Fallon, sought after a new lifestyle, even more, a lifestyle that was against the war. They believed in communities rather than normal traditional family environments. A common practice was sharing living quarters, without regard to sex or martial status with the availability of the birth control pill. Many coffeehouses had a pad- a room with a few mattresses on the floor and sleeping bags where anyone who wished could crash for a night or two. Small groups began retreating to the country, where they formed communes, communities that shared Bob Dylan, Like a Rolling Stone, 1 ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Discrimination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Discrimination - Essay Example Evidences of racial discrimination, as proposed by Wrench and Modood (2000), can be derived from five different sources. These include statistical evidence, discrimination testing, studies on the activities of employment decision-makers (or the so-called 'gatekeepers' who are in the capacity to hire or reject applicants), self-reports of ethnic minorities, and, lastly, the legal action employed by discriminated employees. Generally, the proposed study seeks to determine the impact of racial discrimination to employees and employers during the recruitment and selection process. Specifically, the study will try to provide answers to the following questions: There is a myriad of studies on situations of racial discrimination in the British workplace. Racial discrimination come in numerous forms, including bias in hiring, firing, taunting, joking, etc. (Brief & Barsky, 2000; Deitch, Barsky, Butz, Chan, Brief & Bradley, 2003; Gunaratnam, 2001; Holmes, Marra & Burns, 2001; Mesthenos & Ioannidi, 2002). Likewise, Blackaby et al. (1997) suggest that workplace-related problems that ethnic minorities in the UK suffer can be classified into two major types: higher unemployment rate and lower salaries of non-natives compared to natives. Ethnic minorities have been found to steadily exhibit unemployment rates more than double of whites (Leslie et al., 1998). Evidence indicates that excluding Indian and Chinese men high rates of unemployment are experienced by ethnic minority groups. Likewise, the gap between the unemployment rates of whites and ethnic minorities seemed to rise and fall but showing no indication of a continued downward trend. In fact, the Commission for Racial Equality (2002) reports that comparative position of ethnic minority groups had significantly decreased since the 1970s. Ziegerta and Hangesa (2005) suggest that implicit racist attitudes interacted with a climate for racial bias to predict discrimination. Results of their study partially indicate that motivation to control prejudice moderates the relationship between explicit and implicit attitudes. Taken together, the findings illustrate the differences between implicit and explicit racial attitudes in predicting discriminatory behavior. Consequences of employer discrimination on ethnic minorities tend to be measured in terms of a competitive framework that considers
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The Old Mans Mitten Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Old Mans Mitten - Essay Example Unlike most girls her age, Mary does not like the colors pink and purple and movies or cartoons that have fairy characters. Instead, she likes chocolates, running on the grass and gymnastics. Her current interest is teaks with a yo-yo. à Mean people, bullies, falling over, mushrooms, nuts, and onions are among the things that Mary does not like. She does well in subjects like Science and Technology, Literacy and Creative and Practical Arts. However, Mathematics, Personal Development, Health and Physical Education are among her weaknesses. à Mary has been my neighbor for 9 months now. We talk about her progress in school about once a week. The reading activity took place in my house, where she had to come over on Thursday at 5:00 in the afternoon. Her father was not present during the activity so there was just the two of us. I had her seated behind a big dining table with the window on her left. To avoid distraction from the changes in the daylight, I turned on the lights for her and sat beside her, on her right. To make her feel comfortable and more relaxed, I asked the child to pretend that I am a student and she is the teacher giving me a reading lesson. Mary loved the idea and was even enthusiastic about it. She asked me to sit on the carpet in front of her while she moved her chair in the middle of the dining room. Before moving on to the activity, I told her if it was Ok to record her reading since she is such a good reader. I then gave her two different books to read. à For stage 1 of the activity, I gave her the book ââ¬Å"Alisonââ¬â¢s Dad is Lostâ⬠by an unknown author. Mary did not find any difficulty in reading and she did not commit any mistake. For the second stage, she read a traditional tale entitled "The Old Mans Mitten" by Yvonne Pollock, with illustrations by Trish Hill (Pollock, 1994).
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